
Networking411 - 'Success Must First Come from Within"

Before We Ever Reach Success On The Outside, We Must Believe

Ok, I know that's been said over and over again until you knew what I was going to say before you even finished reading it! But even so, it is one of the truest sayings ever. Throughout history that phrase has been beaten into peoples heads until they were silly. But the people who really got it, are the ones who truly achieved real power and success. When we look back, we know this to be true.

The problem is, "how do those of us who don't 'get it'. GET IT? Well I think this article from The Mind Mint may answer that question for most of us. I personally have used the product. and can hardly wait to us it with my networking business. READ ON!!!

Progressive Awareness Introduces the Proven Technology

"Change your life. Your thoughts are powerful!" We've all heard, "What you think you are." Whole Brain -- technologies are mind training tools. They are designed to help individuals to change thoughts, behaviors, the negative feelings and self-concepts locked in the subconscious, and fill the mind with positive, self affirming thoughts.
It has been demonstrated that many difficult situations in our lives keep occurring because of the "unaware" information in our minds. This "unaware" information makes itself known by mirroring our self-doubt in negative self-talk.
Everyday we continue to receive negative information which informs the mind of fear, failure, and so forth. This messaging reinforces the negative thought patterns and thereby we continue to struggle to change even the smallest part of our lives.
Whole Brain -- technologies were developed and patented by Eldon Taylor to offset negative information by inputting positive messages directly into the subconscious. The original Whole Brain -- patent consists of 105 claims. 105 unique and remarkable methods to facilitate change. Do they work? Whole Brain -- technology has been studied in a variety of scientific applications and been repeatedly demonstrated to be effective.
Whole Brain -- is the name of our original patent and trademark. It is also the parent of many other technologies created by Eldon Taylor. It is simply beyond the scope of this publication to treat the entire patent, but let us look at some of the aspects of this unique and effective technology.
In a very real sense, every human being has two brains. In fact, the two hemispheres of the brain are commonly referred to as the right brain and the left brain. For most people, the left hemisphere is the analytical brain, in charge of such things as mathematical and language skills. The right hemisphere is in charge of creativity and emotions. the left is discriminative, with such defense mechanisms as rationalization built around logic and reason; the right hemisphere is logically indiscriminate.
It is believed that the left brain views language literally and according to the rules of language, whereas, the right views language spatially and emotionally, tumbling words in a process called subconscious cerebration, and even seeing words as our eyes see the world -- upside down. The right brain accepts non-critically such authoritarian messages as "I am good!" The left brain may choose to reject this message with arguments about why one is not good.
To overcome this left-brain resistance, our patented Whole Brain -- technology delivers logic-tasked statements to the left brain that are permissive, such as, "it's OK to be good," while simultaneously presenting the authoritarian message, "I am good!" to the right brain. This is achieved by presenting on a channel to the left brain, meaningfully spoken, forward-masked, permissive affirmations delivered in a round-robin manner by a male, a female and a child's voice. (Research shows that individuals may respond more favorably according to their preference of a male, a female or a child's voice.) On another channel, accessing the right brain, are directive messages in the same voices, recorded in metacontrast -- that is, in reverse. Since the hemispheres are task oriented, both the left and the right brain become involved according to their specialties.
It has been demonstrated that an individual is more likely to remember a round such as, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," than other kinds of songs, even if the round is heard far fewer times. The round-robin affirmations are recorded in full echo-reverberation, all in real time, spoken slowly and with the power of emotion.
Whole Brain -- is the only information processing system to use this new discovery by translating it into a dynamic personal transformational tool...
And its patented!

All of our InnerTalk products are guaranteed to assist you in changing the way in which you speak to yourself. To benefit fully, use the products at least one hour per day for 30 days. If you are a first time customer, we recommend that you follow closely the usage guidance on your product.
If you don't begin to experience a shift in your attitudes or behavior, just return your program(s) for a full refund (less shipping and handling). Please call our Customer Service line prior to returning the product to receive return documentation.
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